What to Do When a Man Finds You



Every woman has her insecurities. Maybe it’s the genetically acquired tiny Filipino nose, or the Asian eyes that disappear in a smile. Others are too short to be noticed while some are too tall to go unnoticed. Often times, we (women) think we are too much of one thing—too skinny or too fat. But I always believe that one day; a man will come along and tell us that our imperfections are the atoms that make us perfect. One fateful day, a man will bravely tell you that your heart is the Star of Bethlehem that led him straight to you. When that day comes, will you be ready?

Boy vs. Man

I am not talking about the boy that you met and dated for two weeks. I am certainly not referring to that boy who told you that he loves you after spending a drink with him and talking about your common stuff. Nope. These are the generic type of male creatures that we can find anywhere—even in churches. I’m talking about a real man. I’m talking about a man who silently observes you from afar; finds you unusually amazing in your most passionate and care-free moments; mentally checks his list as you slowly reveal yourself; knows you are too fragile that he makes cautious steps to get close to you but still guards your heart; a man who, out of his curiosity and interest in you, asks God for the joy of discovering you through courtship (for a better knowledge of courtship, I suggest Boy Meets Girl). What will you do when this kind of man finds you?

React or Respond

When a man fasted for you and solicited wise counsels before confessing to you, you are entitled to feel that you are the most beautiful woman on the galaxy on that very special moment. The man did not make a hasty decision to pursue you, so kindly do him a favor. If you haven’t been secretly praying for this man, please do not give a hasty answer. A hasty yes might prematurely open a relationship that God intended for the future. On the other hand, a hasty no is like shutting the door on God’s face.

The plans of the diligent lead to profit
    as surely as haste leads to poverty.

Proverbs 21:5 NIV

You can react. You can reject him to his face because you don’t look at him as your ideal partner. You can tell him to forget about it because it will ruin your friendship, and then opt to ignore him for eternity. You can look at him as one of the generic boys that you fell for and discard him with contempt. You can pretend not to hear him and make him linger until he withdraws himself in resentment.

You can react. Since his careful decision of confessing to you made your heart flutter, and you think that it is not difficult to learn to look at him that way he sees you, you can say yes right away with no hesitation. You can give in to your emotions and impatience because finally, in a school of fish, someone finds you unique! You can always react. It is the easy thing to do.

You can respond. Ask him questions. Of all women, why you? Is it because of your physique or your character? How did he know that you are God’s best for him? Did God speak to him clearly? Ask for a Bible reference. God speaks to us through His word—that’s the best way to confirm if a message comes from Him (1 Thessalonians 2:13; John 14:26). What did his mentors advise him? (Proverbs 12:15; Proverbs 11:14) Ask everything that is clouding your mind so that you will know how to pray about the situation.

You can respond. Thank him for finding you interesting and ask him politely to give you a considerable amount of time to process what just happened. Don’t decide based on what you are initially feeling. A real man waits patiently. He will not choke you for an answer. In fact, he will be happy to wait.

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Colossians 4:6 NIV

You can respond. Pray about it. Or better yet, fast about it. Ask God to speak to you in all ways He can—audibly, through His word, through Godly counsels or even through a praise and worship hymn. Ask God to remove you from yourself so that you can clearly hear Him without you intervening. God’s presence is more felt in the midst of solitude.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

You make known to me the path of life;
    you will fill me with joy in your presence,
    with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Psalm 16:11 NIV

You can respond. Incorporate wisdom and common sense in your decision-making. Have you found your mission (master, mission, mate concept)? Are you spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially ready to explore courtship? Do you have unfinished business that might affect your courtship (and thereafter)? Are you seeing this man as a potential partner?


Always remember that the man who likes you is apparently and fortunately, your brother in Christ. Your reaction or response will determine your level of spiritual and emotional maturity. God delights in seeing His children living in harmony (Psalm 133:1). Worship Him by obeying Him!


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